2023伊丹国際クラフト展 事務局が選ぶグッドパッキング賞!/Best Packing Award selected by the staff
At ITAMI International Craft Exhibition, a wide variety of entry works are sent from all over the world, and the way of packing them are also really various. Some of them are really beautifully wrapped, just like artworks itself, others are packed very good in terms of protecting works. This time, secretariat staff give an award the Best Packing Award to particularly excellent packing. We would show you the behind-the-scenes aspects of works that are never revealed to the public and that only the staff know about.
Selection criteria:
1. Works must be packed to avoid extremely little risk of damage.
2. The Packing must be easy for anyone to unpack and pack.
3. Works must be packed in the minimum necessary but sufficient amount.
4. Usable multiple times, and in addition to No.3, it must be environmentally friendly.
5. Beautifully packed.
* Selection was made from among the selected entry works of the exhibition.
受賞したのは、韓国から出品いただいた、Heo Jeongmin さんの梱包。他にもよく似た梱包や工夫されたものあったのですが、「⑤大変美しく梱包されている」という点が決め手となりました。受賞したHeoさんの梱包をご紹介いたします。
2023 ITAMI International Jewellery Exhibition
Best Packing Award selected by the staff
The award-winning package is Heo Jeongmin’s, from South Korea. Congratulations!
Although we have some others very similar to it, or with good ideas, the deciding factor is that it is absolutely beautiful packed. We would like to show her package.
When you open the cardboard box, you can see a protective patch plate that you soon find the work will be carefully wrapped.
Inside there is a wooden box tied with red string, surrounded cushioning fulfilled.
When you open the lid, you can see four entry works are fit in a hollow cut in the exactly the same shaped with each piece. It’s also nice that each label is located so that you can see at a glance which is where to go in.
Furthermore, if you look at the sponge carefully, you’ll find some tiny cuts to make it easier to take out the works.
Of course, as the lid is also well padded with cushion, the artworks wouldn’t move at all. To protect artworks from shaking during transportation, it’s definitely important that there is no space for the artwork to move.段ボールの外箱の下には緩衝材が敷かれ、その下には補強が。(動かないようにテープで止められています)細やかな配慮で、かつ無駄のない梱包にスタッフからは感嘆の声が上がりました!
The outer cardboard box has also cushion, and additional reinforcement plate is underneath, which is taped to prevent from moving. The staff are impressed by such a careful and waste-free packing!
受賞されたHeo Jeongminさんには事務局より、次回エントリー料免除の副賞が送られます。Heoさんおめでとうございます。ぜひまたご出品ください!
The winner, Ms. Heo Jeongmin, will receive a supplementary prize from the secretariat that will exempt her from the next entry fee.
Congratulations to Jeongmin. Please send your work again!
Below are other packages that were very good but unfortunately missed out on awards for some reason.
This is beautifully packed, but there is a tiny gap between the piece and box. Even though it were a tiny space, it might cause damage on artwork during shipping, that caused missing out the award.
This is packed in a storage container, which is often seen in packing from overseas. It is very simple and good, and it is convenient for packing artworks. However, unfortunately it was not selected because some pieces are packed together in one box, which would put strain and pressure on each of them.
The most important point for packing is that artworks won’t be damaged at all. (That’s really, really the most priority!) In addition to this, we would find artists’ ingenuity and passion to their works when we see the way of packing and ideas of materials. Packing protects your precious works.
Here we showed the part of behind-the scenes of the exhibition that never comes out to the public.
2023 ITAMI International Jewellery Exhibition
Date: November 18th (Saturday) – December 24th (Sunday), 2023 Closed on Mondays